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I dream of traveling together
Seeing through her eyes
Experiencing what is new, together.
Dreaming, watching…
her packing and unpacking her bag
her deciding and undeciding clothing
jeans, an little black dress, a blouse
a blouse
lace and frill
her walking through the airport
her boarding a plane
her taking her seat
… for the hundredth time,
... it feels like the first time.
She said…
“Getting to know you scares me.
I run, but I don’t want to.
I want to be brave,
and go to places with you where I’ve not allowed myself to go.”
Our planning and searching
turns into a single click.
A promise told to the stars
An adventure awaits
far away
She packs half of her things in the first third of her suitcase.
She packs half of her things in the second third of her suitcase.
She packs half of her things in the rest of her suitcase.
And wonders why her suitcase doesn’t close.
And we laugh together.
(or, at least I do)
The dreaming
The discovering
The deciding
The waiting
Traveling is just the beginning, really.
The dreaming
The discovering
The deciding
The waiting
Loving is just the beginning, really.
We share our memories
We laugh at our mistakes
We got lost
We remember our favorite foods
We have our special places
We browsed inside the shops
We built our playlist
We gazed at each other
We held hands
We wrapped our arms around each other
We touched
We kissed
Each different,
but together.
Image: Unsplash: Kateryna Hliznitsova